Measuring 85.33” by 48”, the same 16:9 ratio of the show Hoarders, Mirror is composed of reflective mylar cut silhouettes of the entire contents of my bathroom. This is a place where I perform my identity each morning, through make-up, accessories, and clothing.
In making the piece I was hyper aware of myself as a construction.
I stared at my reflection in the mylar for weeks.
I broke into fragments. I saw myself as a shampoo bottle, as a beaded earring, as a Q-tip.
I am a hoarder. I am my stuff. I am a reflection.
Similarly when viewing Mirror the viewer’s eyesight oscillates between seeing the items that make up the surface and seeing their own reflection. In both ways it is a portrait. The viewer is simultaneously a composition of consumer goods and their body.
I cash in on the show as metaphor in order to investigate the location and ownership of personal information, excessive literal and figurative consumption and the contemporary relationship of man to space and reality.
In making the piece I was hyper aware of myself as a construction.
I stared at my reflection in the mylar for weeks.
I broke into fragments. I saw myself as a shampoo bottle, as a beaded earring, as a Q-tip.
I am a hoarder. I am my stuff. I am a reflection.
Similarly when viewing Mirror the viewer’s eyesight oscillates between seeing the items that make up the surface and seeing their own reflection. In both ways it is a portrait. The viewer is simultaneously a composition of consumer goods and their body.
I cash in on the show as metaphor in order to investigate the location and ownership of personal information, excessive literal and figurative consumption and the contemporary relationship of man to space and reality.